
This interactive book is created by SSE Energy Solutions. For more information visit


Smart distributed energy infrastructure solutions


WE POWER CHANGE FOR A BETTER WORLD OF ENERGY 03 || Achieving net zero 04 || Foreword by Nathan Sanders: The path to net zero 06 || Our Whole System Approach 07 || A smart energy approach 08 || Our values for a better world of energy 10 || Distributed energy infrastructure solutions 12 Reliable local electricity networks 14 Financing green solar PV energy 16 Grid scale energy solutions 18 The future of heating and cooling 20 Decarbonising transport 22 Smart energy systems to drive energy transition 24 Virtual Power Plant and smart grid 26 Smart buildings enabling the transition to net zero 28 Half hourly Data Collection and Data Aggregation 30 Digital platforms for smart cities, places & buildings 32 Green energy for your business 34 || Our clients: Energy partners 36 Public sector: Building back better 38 Regeneration and development 40 Higher education for the future 42 Industrial and commercial clean economic growth 44 || Case studies 46 || Our whole system approach: Accelerating the journey to net zero 48 || Contact details

2 || Accelerating the net zero journey

Whilst the warnings are stark and the world is on a non- sustainable pathway, climate emergencies have been declared across the globe and net zero targets have been set. But targets alone don’t drive progress. ACHIEVING NET ZER0 THE QUESTION IS ‘HOW’ NOT ‘IF’

The energy landscape The expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure, the uptake of renewable energy sources and the decarbonisation of heat requires smart management of the energy system to avoid grid constraints and ensure flexible capacity and delivery.

Businesses, policy makers and growing numbers of citizens are responding to the challenge of accelerating the pace of change required to meet those targets. The risks of not acting are enormous, but the rewards of success are equally large scale – we must ensure our day-to-day life is healthier, we are able use resources more efficiently and therefore can adapt to a more sustainable way of living. Smarter essential infrastructure Essential agents for change are sustainable sources of energy, smart management of energy utilisation, gigabit connectivity speeds for data rich insights, and safe, efficient, decarbonised transport networks. Across the public and private sectors conversations have shifted as we realise there are benefits to be gained from developing innovative solutions to how we generate, store, distribute and manage energy consumption at a more local level.

In short, the energy landscape is becoming increasingly complex.

Playing our part SSE Energy Solutions is playing a major part in the emergence of a user-led energy system that allows energy users themselves to play an active role in maintaining a low carbon, secure and affordable power system. Our Distributed Energy business teams adopt a Whole System approach by investing in, building and connecting your localised, flexible energy assets to accelerate your path to net zero and create a more resilient energy system for the long-term.

Accelerating the net zero journey || 3

Distributed Energy for a Net Zero world As someone who started with SSE over 30 years ago as an Apprentice Electrician, I’ve seen a huge amount of change in the way the energy sector works. Today, the need to decarbonise our energy system has never been more pressing. So, I’m delighted that my company, SSE, has supported the COP26 climate change conference as a Principle Partner. And as a group, SSE is certainly putting its money where its mouth is as it continues to deliver on its £12.5bn investment programme in low carbon assets which will help the UK and Ireland reach their target of net zero emissions by 2050. I know that many local authorities and organisations have now declared their own climate emergencies. Perhaps having done so, some of themmay be now puzzling out how best they can make the changes required to get them on the road to net zero. Well that’s where my part of the SSE business – Distributed Energy – comes in. The role of distributed energy in the green recovery The way we consume and interact with energy is changing before our very eyes as we look to decarbonise our society – especially when it comes to heating and transport. Energy generation is changing with participants rightly wanting to be more active with their assets and even utilise their potential to generate revenue. Data is now king, as we move towards a society where smart cities and smart places become part of everyday life rather than an inventor’s pipe dream. THE PATH TO NET ZERO A foreword by Nathan Sanders

the coronavirus epidemic and secondly, making our society carbon-neutral.

In June 2019, The UK was the first major economy to pass a legislation to become ‘Net Zero carbon’ by 2050. To achieve that, the electricity sector will need to expand capacity to enable electrification of transport, heat and parts of industry. This could see annual GB demand for electricity double to 600TWh or more by 2050. The increasing electricity demand will put our energy system under significant pressure, and this is when the role of distributed energy becomes key in order to provide flexibility to the system and ensure a fair and efficient transition to a carbon-neutral economy. It’s time for some localised ‘whole system thinking’ So, having a compelling sustainable vision is all very well, I hear you thinking, but why would my organisation or local authority want to partner with SSE Energy Solutions? Fair question. In short, our whole system approach accelerates your path to net zero. SSE Energy Solutions provides innovative solutions to build, own, operate and maintain energy infrastructure in the UK and Ireland, covering both private and public sector across residential, commercial and industrial markets. That puts us in the unique position to offer our clients a local ‘whole system thinking’ approach, meaning we can bring together the multiple facets of all we do; combining EV charging, heat networks, solar and storage infrastructure, building energy management services and digital smart energy services.

Likewise, our society faces two unparalleled challenges: first, to bounce back from the ravages of

4 || Accelerating the net zero journey

Our approach creates a more resilient and sustainable energy system by investing in, building and connecting localised flexible infrastructure, using technology and data analytics to drive the long-term performance of your energy assets in the most cost-effective manner. I can think of no better example of that than our ‘PIRI’ project in Peterborough which has the potential to be the largest smart city-wide energy system in the UK. Smartening up the energy system Enabling existing energy assets to become ‘smart’ can hugely support cities as well as businesses to deliver substantial efficiencies, cost benefits and reduce emissions. In partnership with a major technology company, we have developed SSE Enhance, an innovative ‘Energy as a Service’ platform that enables owners of energy assets and flexible energy load to generate revenue by allowing third party control of these at agreed times. We are also developing other digital platforms across cities, places and buildings which utilise smart sensors and devices to enhance knowledge and provide smarter environments, driving decarbonisation and improving experience. Illustrative capabilities include monitoring of weather, noise, flooding, traffic, footfall and air quality, street lighting control, and optimisation of building energy and comfort. Since the 2050 Net Zero target was set, we have all experienced the impact of the global pandemic. Our Government is driving investment in infrastructure to both stimulate the economic recovery from Covid-19 and help address the climate emergency. Welcome measures to link the Government’s net zero and levelling up ambitions include the Net Zero Strategy, the Heating and Buildings Strategy, and the Transport Decarbonisation Plan. The establishment of eight Freeports and the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme will both support regional economic and low carbon growth. Other welcome measures include the establishment of the UK Infrastructure Bank which will provide financing support to private sector and local authority infrastructure projects across the UK. In addition to deploying £12 billion of equity and debt capital the bank will also be able to issue up to £10 billion of guarantees.

This is expected to support a further £40bn of private investment. Time to accelerate the pace of change So, the time is right to accelerate our pace in tackling the climate emergency. Navigating that pathway may not be straightforward but by working in partnership across the public and private sector to develop localised innovative energy solutions, I believe exciting opportunities will open up and the Net Zero goal will be within sight.

On the following pages you will find an overview of how we see opportunities in some key market sectors,

as well as a brief glimpse into the distributed energy solutions that we can help you with.

What’s more, we want to be fellow investors along the way, and we look forward to partnering with you on your particular journey to Net Zero.

Nathan Sanders Managing Director



SSE Energy Solutions’ Whole System approach invests in, builds and controls localised, flexible energy assets to accelerate a path to net zero and create a more resilient energy system for the long-term.

Solutions to drive integration Our distributed energy teams employ technological advances in flexible generation and storage, district heating, vehicle charging and electrical networks optimising generation and load using digital platforms. Combined with advanced data analytics, we give our clients the opportunity to visualize, control, and trade energy flexibly. Emerging client partnerships Just as we see the energy landscape transitioning from a centralised top down approach to a more local, distributed system, we also see a transition in the way public and private sector organisations are working together to tackle the big ticket climate issues.

In several parts of the UK and Ireland, progressive local authorities are joining together, collaborating with health trusts, local universities, local industry and also energy companies to move the dial on climate action. At SSE Energy Solutions we are at the forefront of such discussions as we seek out partnerships that are mutually beneficial to all involved. Long term investment Our long-term investment, asset ownership and stewardship models can take the financial challenge away from decarbonisation whilst ensuring security of sustainable energy supply, reducing risks for our clients and helping them achieve their economic, social and environmental goals.



Solar PV generation and battery storage

Energy as a Service

Smart Cities and Places

Electricity networks


Smart buildings

Heat and cooling networks

Data and analytics

Electric vehicles

6 || Accelerating the net zero journey


For the net zero journey.


• Building-connected energy assets • Smart buildings platform for behind the meter energy asset services • Energy optimisation • BMS installation, support and maintenance • Air purification systems • ESOS audits • Government RE:FIT framework contractor • Remote and managed services


• PV (solar) • CHP • Battery storage • PPA (power purchase agreement) • Corporate PPA • Private wire to load (i.e. buildings)



• Data Collection and Data Aggregation (DCDA) • Energy analytics and insight • Machine learning and artificial intelligence • Automated monitoring and targeting

• Installation • Operation, maintenance and management • Fleet and taxi solutions • Charge hubs • Constraint management • Charger agnostic (inc. rapid, smart)

• Remote energy management • Energy audits, including ESOS



• Carbon, energy cost and revenue optimisation • Grid connection management • Virtual power plant (trade your flexible energy) • Market access • Energy Services • Asset service management

• Private networks acquisition • Upgrade, operation and maintenance • Point-to-point private wire • Smart grid control • Networks, investment, D&B and operation



• District heat networks, investment, D&B and operation

• Smart Cities, Places Platform • IoT sensors and devices • Smart street lighting • Traffic/footfall monitoring and classification • Air quality, flood and road temperature reporting

• Heat pumps and CHP • Waste heat exploitation • Optimisation • As a Service options

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SSE is one of the UK and Ireland’s largest energy companies and, as the leading renewable energy provider across these countries, it is committed to making a wider social impact throughout the energy transformation and beyond. OUR VALUES FOR A BETTERWORLD OF ENERGY

Our people We know that the way we do things has an impact on people, whether its energy customers, those who work for us or those who live in the communities that we operate in. In recognition that SSE has a deeply interconnected relationship with the society it relies on to operate and make a profit, we aim to conduct our business in a way that contributes positively and shares value. This means creating a fair and inclusive place to work and giving back to our local communities. Fairness at work SSE has been a proud real Living Wage accredited employer since 2013, meaning our employees, and those working regularly on our behalf, earn an hourly rate that exceeds the national living wage. SSE has been rolling out the real Living Wage across its supply chain since 2014 through the inclusion of a Living Wage Clause in all relevant contracts. In 2017, we extended the clause to go beyond the requirements of the Living Wage Foundation. SSE has committed to championing the real Living Wage through its 2030 Goals. SSE was also the first FTSE 100 company to be awarded the Fair Tax mark and has maintained this for seven consecutive years. SSE also supports the Fair Tax Foundation’s efforts to establish a voluntary framework for good multinational businesses to demonstrate that they play fair with tax, paying the right amount, in the right place and at the right time.

SSE has a clear vision, purpose and strategy focused on Net Zero.


Our purpose To provide energy needed today while building a better world of energy for tomorrow. Our vision To be a leading energy company in a net-zero world. Our strategy To create value for shareholders and society in a sustainable way through successful development, efficient operation and responsible ownership of energy infrastructure and businesses.

Strategic importance of SSE Energy Solutions

Our energy solutions businesses are providing greater access to green energy solutions and breaking down traditional barriers to access for customers. Set apart by our ability to innovate and our partnership development skills, we will provide a growing suite of energy products and distributed energy solutions to support customers’ net zero needs. A key role of Energy Solutions within the SSE Group is to seek out new opportunities in areas that complement the Group’s core energy portfolio – with a focus on distributed energy.

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Our responsible business culture With ever increasing scrutiny on corporate conduct, stakeholders rightly expect SSE to demonstrate how it is embedding a responsible business culture and ensuring no harm arises as a result of its activities. That is why SSE’s 2030 Goals are built on a foundation of doing no harm to people or planet. For SSE, this goes beyond complying with legal requirements – it is about doing the right thing to keep people safe, ensure their wellbeing, and make sure people feel they can speak up when wrongdoing occurs. As SSE employees we support and value our colleagues and enjoy working together in an open and honest way.

SSE’s just transition SSE has published its Just Transition strategy which aims to help to protect workers and communities as the UK and Ireland transition out of a high-carbon world and towards net zero. The strategy consists of SSE’s 20 principles for a Just Transition, which outline SSE’s approach to address the social implications of delivering net zero; from jobs and training, to working with communities and ensuring no one is left behind.









Deliver robust stakeholder consultation

Support competitive domestic supply chains Set social safeguards

Re-purpose thermal generators for a net-zero world

Co-create with stakeholders Factor-in whole- system costs and benefits




Guarantee fair and decent work Attract and grow talent Value employee voice Boost inclusion and diversity







Form partnerships across sectors

Establish and maintain trust


10. 11. .



Share value with communities


19. Promote further industrial development 20. Respect and record cultural heritage

Provide forward notice of change Prioritise retraining and redeployment

Make transparent, evidence-based decisions Advocate for fairness




Implement responsible developer standards






Working for Business Customers We believe green energy solutions and business success go hand in hand, and we’re uniquely placed to show you how. As the UK and Ireland’s largest renewable electricity generator, SSE can provide traceable renewable energy from our own assets, combined with the tools and technology to help your business succeed.

Together with the design, development, and delivery of connected local, energy infrastructure and the technology to turn flexible energy use or generation into an exploitable asset, SSE Energy Solutions can help you to power ahead in a new sustainable world.

Accelerating the net zero journey || 9

SSE Energy Solutions’ Whole System approach invests in, builds and connects your localised, flexible energy assets to accelerate path to net zero and create a more resilient energy system for the long-term. DISTRIBUTED ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS

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• Private networks acquisition • Upgrade, operation and maintenance • Point-to-point private wire • Smart grid control • Exploitation of local renewables

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Electricity Infrastructure forms the core energy backbone for any organisation. Having a private electricity network can bring significant business advantages.

Delivering and managing networks is core to our business and is how we make a difference to our business. By applying this expertise we can deliver significant benefits to our customers. We have an excellent track record of delivering electricity networks for new and existing developments in all principal sectors of the construction market. For clients who own and operate their own private electrical network, SSE Energy Solutions can become an invested stakeholder managing your private electricity network and taking responsibility for its resilience, balancing investment and risk mitigation, improving its energy efficiency whilst providing a sustainable platform for decarbonisation. For developers, clients and consultants seeking to deliver significant mixed-use, commercial and industrial construction projects, we have the track record and capability to deliver energy infrastructure

projects from initial strategy and design through to the ongoing operation and management of the installed infrastructure assets over their lifetime. SSE’s Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) business can adopt, own and operate distribution networks. Clients connected to our networks benefit from regulated charges, freedom of choice of supplier and guaranteed performance standards. We invest in our customers’ non-core electrical infrastructure, offering security and adopting risk. Through Whole Systems thinking we drive energy savings, cost certainty and security of supply and in doing so provide the ability to optimise both carbon and energy costs in order to provide a net zero pathway most suited to your needs as well as providing you with the power to control how your energy is procured, generate, managed and secured.



Virtual Power Plants and flexibility


• Asset Ownership and Management • Investment in Network • Adoption of risk • Smart Energy Management • Optimised demand and consumption • Carbon reduction • Platform for distributed energy ELECTRICITY NETWORK PARTNERSHIP

Lower carbon from district heating

Energy storage via batteries

Smart systems applications

Private wire generation

Electric vehicle infrastructure

Osite private wire generation

3rd party supply customers

Customer estate

Accelerating the net zero journey || 13


If your organisation is energy-conscious and you seek energy price stability, reduced energy costs with a lower carbon footprint, we can provide you with fully-funded, fully-maintained Solar PV solutions that can help improve your bottom line.

For clients interested in increasing renewable energy use, SSE Energy Solutions offers fully-financed solar solutions where we develop, build, own, operate and maintain solar systems. Zero carbon energy is then provided to you at no upfront cost – simply charged under a fixed term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). We utilise onsite space such as car park canopies, vacant ground space, or roof-tops to deploy Solar PV and create value from underutilised assets. If you don’t have available onsite space, we can secure offsite land, delivering energy through a private wire or from a remote solar facility via the grid. Our whole system capability means we can integrate solar generation with a wider range of complementary distributed energy solutions, bespoke to your site requirements and ensuring your energy resources are fully optimised for cost, efficiency and carbon reduction. Our typical PPA structure is a fixed, inflation-linked tariff for the energy generated over a 15-25 year term. However, as we understand that each customer’s needs are unique, we are open to a range of contract structures and seek to find the optimal solution for you. SSE Energy Solutions is constantly exploring opportunities to grow our solar PV portfolio, offering partners opportunities to work with an experienced and trusted company that holds sustainability and safety at its core. If you are an organisation, landowner, or developer who would like to learn more about partnering please contact us.


• SSE will develop a proposal for a solar system to unlock value from unused space such as roof tops, parking lots, or ground spaces. • We will provide a full site desktop assessment to outline an optimal Solar PV solution based on your energy consumption and site constraints. • We will assess opportunities to integrate the solar system with other energy solutions that may further benefit you.


• Offsite systems can be preferable to allow for increased generation capacity. • SSE will build, own, operate, and maintain generation facilities between 1-50 MW on nearby land, connecting the Solar PV system to the premises via a private wire connection. • SSE will source, secure, and develop suitable sites nearby – undertaking all risks and the costs associated with doing so.

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• Offsite PPAs enable customers to purchase large volumes of renewable power directly from remote solar PV facilities when on-site or local solutions are not available. • SSE offers physical (sleeved) and virtual CPPAs and can manage all aspects of the process including generation, sleeving, imbalance, load management and additional flexible supply.

SSE is committed to deploying renewable energy technologies and has purchased the project development rights for a solar project in England from developers Stark. The 30MW, 77-acre solar farm in Worcestershire will be capable of powering some 9,400 homes when complete late 2023. “SSE has a strong track record of constructing and operating renewable energy projects and we are delighted to be working with them on our Littleton project. We look forward to supporting SSE through the construction process and seeing the project through to its connection.”


• PV (solar) • Battery storage • PPA (power purchase agreement) • Corporate PPA • Private wire to load (i.e. buildings)

Anthony Brindle || Managing Director of Stark Energy

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SSE has an ambitious capital investment plan to accelerate progress to net zero in its role as the UK and Ireland’s clean energy champion and has purchased the project development rights for its first 50MW battery storage asset on a consented site in Wiltshire, from Harmony Energy Limited. The battery storage facility at Salisbury is expected to be energised in the summer of 2023. Once built, this battery will benefit from the remote monitoring and trading services we now offer in distributed energy through the SSE Enhance platform. The platform will integrate with the site control and monitoring systems and also allow smart trading to maximise the value of these assets.

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Battery storage and solar PV technologies will play a vital role in decarbonising the power grid across the UK and Ireland.

Our distributed energy team in SSE Energy Solutions are working with landowners and developers to identify new sites and grid connections to grow its battery storage and solar PV pipeline. SSE is a leading renewable developer in the UK and Ireland and, as such, we understand the challenges landowners and developers face in this rapidly changing sector. You’ll be partnering with a low carbon energy FTSE100 company with the proven experience of delivering projects at scale with safety and sustainability at its core. SSE’s distributed energy team has recently purchased the project development rights for its first 50MW battery storage asset on a consented site in Wiltshire, from Harmony Energy Limited. The project will help deliver essential balancing services to the energy system.

We have a team of developers, engineers, and energy service professionals actively growing our battery storage pipeline with around 500MW of early stage opportunities in the pipeline. If you are a landowner or a developer who would like to learn more about partnering with us, please contact us.

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We deliver resilient and reliable low carbon heating and cooling networks for public and private sector clients.


• District heat networks • Heat pumps and CHP • Waste heat exploitation • Optimisation • As a Service options

18 || Accelerating the net zero journey

The heating challenge Heating accounts for over a third of the nation’s carbon emissions across all sectors and is a key decarbonisation challenge. Heat Networks play a major role in the government’s zero carbon strategy, providing “no regrets” infrastructure in urban environments making use of waste and/or recoverable heating and cooling, sometimes in combination with heat pumps, to deliver ever lower carbon heat and cooling. How SSE Energy Solutions can help SSE has a portfolio of low carbon heat networks serving residential and commercial customers across the country including electrified heat networks fed by a mix of heat pumps and CHP. We have a strong focus on innovation and a culture of continuous improvement across design, technology, commercial and customer service models. Being technology and manufacturer agnostic allows us to select the right technology choice for each project. Our flexible commercial models, developed over a decade of experience in the UK, mean we offer long term asset ownership and investment for heat and cooling networks. With optimal design, delivery and commissioning our clients and end users are supported by round the clock industry leading customer care.

Our focus is to provide low carbon, affordable heating and cooling. As we can provide capital investment into projects, SSE’s balance sheet strength and brand credentials make it an ideal long-term partner to our clients. We are a founder member of Heat Trust, the independent heat customer protection scheme. As members of the scheme, we are independently audited and our performance is captured by the necessary feedback loops needed to maintain and improve standards We are closely involved in a number of government advisory groups helping to design the forthcoming regulatory regime for heat networks. This ideally places us to help our clients ensure their system and operational design is “future proofed” for formal regulation when it arrives. Our expertise, experience, investment approach and customer service makes SSE Energy Solutions an ideal heating and cooling partner, bringing stability that reduces risk for clients and provides long-lasting benefits for network customers. With wide ranging experience across the distributed energy infrastructure spectrum, we can ensure that to ensure that your heat/cooling network benefits from an integrated approach to generation, storage and supply of energy. So get in touch today so see how we can help you.

How a public/private partnership works Successful partnerships bring together the skills and experience from all parties into a single and effective delivery mechanism.









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Decarbonising transport is a formidable challenge, and the deployment of electric vehicle infrastructure must rapidly grow to meet this challenge and deliver the UK Government’s ambitious plans.

Electrifying bus infrastructure We provide a turnkey solution to electrify bus depots across UK and Ireland. Our expertise builds on our development of the electrical infrastructure in London, where we worked in partnership with operators, transport authorities and bus companies, across six London depots. To optimise use of the infrastructure, we are also developing options for fleet charging during the day when buses are predominantly out on the road. Researching Vehicle-to-Grid potential Our EV teams have been leading on an innovative project delivered by an industry and academic partnership. The Bus2Grid project will deliver the UK’s first e-bus to grid multi-megawatt demonstration at commercial scale. Developing a bi-directional charging infrastructure that allows batteries to both take through and feed to the grid will deliver a significant boost to energy system stability by supporting the system flexibility needed to help the UK meet its vital climate change targets in a cost-effective manner. Utilising our Whole System Thinking methodology, we will take you on your electrification journey from initial feasibility studies through to design and installation. We’ll work with you to ensure that your solution stays optimal, delivers against your energy and sustainability objectives and is future proofed.

Providing reliable and efficient Electric Vehicle infrastructure is one of the cornerstones of SSE Energy Solutions’ portfolio. Working in partnership with fleet and bus operators, we invest in and deliver rapid charging facilities to help UK and Ireland businesses and local authorities meet their climate change targets. Ultra-rapid Community EV Hubs We are investing in a scalable, strategic network of EV ultra-rapid community charging hubs across the UK, providing a different range of charging points. Located predominantly in urban areas, these Community Hubs will be in clusters of between 10 and 20 bays, serving fleets who need reliable infrastructure close to their business routes as well as residents without off-street parking. To maximise the comfort of the drivers, where possible, we will provide refreshment and restroom facilities, along with Wi-Fi connectivity. Our chargers are supplied with renewably sourced electricity and will incorporate solar pv generation on canopies, and potential private electricity networks when required. Fleet depots SSE Energy Solutions offers a full end-to-end charging transition program for local authorities and large corporate organisations that have their own depots requiring EV charge points on site. We can assist public and private fleet operators in all the key steps of the process, from initial consulting, to design and installation, to maintenance and operations.

20 || Accelerating the net zero journey

27% of UK domestic carbon emissions


• Investment • Installation and operation • Fleet and bus solutions • Community and fleet charge hubs • Constraint management • Rapid and ultra-rapid chargers

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Utilising digital technology to leverage information and provide integrated control across local energy infrastructure enables carbon and costs to be minimised whilst maximising commercial potential of energy flexibility.




Energy assets and Virtual Power Plant

• Data Collection and Aggregation | collect and aggregate robust energy data

Energy eciency measures

• Business Energy Intelligence | analyse a business’ metered energy data


Meter analytics

• BEMS | Building Energy Management Systems to manage and optimise a building’s energy assets

Energy eciency












22 || Accelerating the net zero journey

Energy infrastructure and smart platforms Increased connectivity and technology can make our day-to-day life more efficient, sustainable and safe, delivering ‘smart services’ that drive down cost and improve efficiency. ‘Smart’, to SSE, means connecting assets together to enable the gathering of large data and providing insights to help deliver customer outcomes.

Utilising these tools, we can work in partnership with you to develop, fund, own and operate innovative, sustainable and smart solutions for cities and places – understanding your challenges and goals, building the commercial models and the required delivery teams, bringing in funding and partners where appropriate.


• Smart Cities, Places and Building Platform | combine energy assets and load data, both standalone and connected in buildings; optimise energy usage and maximise local renewable energy generation potential; extend over time to include other smart, connected devices to drive net zero • Mayflower Smart Lighting | drive decarbonisation of key city and place energy usage through targeted dimming of street lighting • SSE Sentinel | deploy vehicle and footfall classification and counting to provide insight for air quality improvement and optimised EV charger point planning • SSE Enhance virtual power plant | generate revenue, minimise cost and carbon across entire energy systems encompassing smart energy infrastructure, connected energy assets and smart energy buildings

• Smart Buildings Platform | combine meter and BEMS data with additional sensor data to provide a truly smart and optimised building • SSE Enhance –generate revenue, minimise cost and carbon, using smart building data to trade energy flexibility from connected assets (solar, storage, EV, HP, CHP, etc) and energy load

• Data Collection and Data Aggregation delivering robust data


• Business Energy Intelligence for analytical insights

• Smart Grid for dynamic management

• SSE Enhance for trading energy assets and flexibility

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• Energy management to lower carbon • Virtual Power Plant - to trade your energy flexibility • Smart Grid Management - to minimise the impact of network constraints • Funded behind-the-meter asset deployment – maximising local use of local renewables • Energy Optimisation – aligning carbon, cost and energy flexibility revenue aspirations

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Combining virtual power plant and smart grid technology, our unique platform, SSE Enhance, dynamically optimises a clients energy estate, drives decarbonisation and maximises revenue from energy flexibility.

SSE Enhance is an innovative platform that combines both Virtual Power Plant and Smart Grid technology. The former enables large energy users in the public and private sectors such as process industries, manufacturing, local authorities and facilities management to generate income from their energy assets and/or load flexibility. Whilst the latter manages constraints in a client’s underlying network, allowing it to maximise security of supply and the associated potential for energy asset deployment. SSE Enhance forms the basis of our Energy as a Service proposition and supports clients in their drive to Net Zero whilst unlocking the financial benefits of existing assets. SSE Enhance Energy will enable customers to be paid for reducing their electricity demand or increasing the power output of assets such as combined heat and power units and energy storage during peak periods. Output of solar and wind can be blended with energy storage and load management to improve demand

certainty and potentially reduce associated energy tariffs or improve PPA prices for front of meter assets. This is all supported by the expertise of SSE’s energy trading team. SSE Enhance Grid can dynamically manage site power to improve security of supply and power quality. It will also enable additional energy assets to be added to a customer’s constrained network without the need for further investment by dynamically balancing generation, storage and load. SSE’s Energy-as-a-Service proposition couples these solutions with power asset development, adoption or asset stewardship (where SSE invests to upgrade a client’s power infrastructure and operates it as a service). In doing so, SSE’s customers can outsource the risks and complexities of the energy markets and the zero-carbon transition, releasing much needed finance locked up in their assets.

Balancing markets

Asset planning and investment

Smart grid Optimising building site grid power and control

DSO markets

Asset deployment

Revenue optimisation Maximising

the value of energy

Wholesale markets

Asset/site control

Site optimisation

Ancillary markets

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Innovative, integrated Building Energy Management solutions.

Optimal Insight is a complete cloud-based energy optimisation package, designed to give you a real understanding of how your energy is consumed and then empower you to fully engage in close monitoring and intervention targeting which reduces the risk of expensive failures and downtime. Optimal Assist is a remote alert-and-assist service designed to be the most effective way of avoiding or fixing critical problems with the equipment in your buildings to give you peace of mind. Optimal Control uses detailed site analysis to indicate how each of your BEMS controls is performing and fine tunes the system to improve the overall performance, creating a perfected built environment. Enhanced business intelligence Your BEMS generates the information you need to plan even more savings through equipment upgrades, improved working practices and longer equipment life cycles. Early diagnosis of faults reduces the risk of expensive failures and downtime. Data analysis improves awareness of the performance of plant, machinery and network connected devices, including where appropriate, solar generation and behind the meter battery storage. Whether you’re a BEMS expert designing systems for your clients, you’re involved in system or service procurement or you’re a client looking for a complete solution, our expert team is here to help.

SSE Energy Solutions’ Smart Buildings team provide Building Energy Management System (BEMS) design, operation and maintenance services for new buildings, major refurbishments, or retrofitting into existing buildings. The system controls and monitors all the essential power, heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) plant and equipment that ensure the building continues to run efficiently, safely and comfortably. Moreover, sensor technology is moving apace and with wireless connection of additional IoT devices, it’s now possible to have even smarter dynamic estate monitoring and control, based on real-time building occupancy and other usage and performance metrics to improve energy and cost efficiency, whilst also improving staff well-being. Our breadth of technical expertise covers all the main BEMS platforms in the UK, including Siemens, Trend, Johnsons, and Tridium systems – all of which can be controlled remotely from our state-of-the-art Energy Management Centre. We also have a national network of local offices ready to respond should you ever need an engineer to visit your site. Our Remote Optimal service is a precision energy management solution for all types of built environments. This innovative platform is comprised of three key parts – Insight, Assist, and Control – and is available as a fully managed service which gives you peace or mind that your built estate energy use is being proactively optimised and managed.


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We also offer a complementary smart building service which uses innovative air purification technology. ionair’s® air quality system has shown to reduce odours by around 50%, germs, bacteria, fungi and pollen by more than 95%, fine particles by 30% to 50%, and several other airborne pathogens by more than 90%. It can be easily retrofitted into a building’s existing air handling unit, continuously monitoring and improving air quality. It is also cost-effective, requiring very low maintenance. Complementing SSE’s Smart Building Platform, SSE can offer a fully funded solution which can combine significant air quality improvements with a suite of smart building energy management services.


• BMS installation • Building energy optimisation • Behind the meter asset optimisation and management • Air purification systems • Support and maintenance • ESOS audits • Refits • Remote and managed services

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• Energy analytics and insight • Energy optimisation through machine learning and AI • Automated monitoring and targeting (aM&T) • Energy legislation compliance • Energy management • Data Collection and Aggregation

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Providing insight into your energy usage enabling you to take full control of your energy strategy and accelerate your journey to net zero.

Historically, only the largest business energy consumers would be required to have half hourly meters recording electricity consumption at 48 half hour intervals. However, programmes such as P272 and the current Smart Meter Implementation Programme (SMIP) are enabling more consumers to have access to their half hourly data. Ofgem are working on transitioning the whole electricity market into half hourly settlement which will allow businesses to consolidate all their meters under a single half hourly Data Collection and Data Aggregation (DC/DA). SSE has brought together a specialist team of half hourly market experts to help overcome the hidden cost of data aggregation your supplier appoints you by default. Our new Data Collection and Aggregation (DC/DA) service will manage the secure collection of Half Hourly data whilst providing accurate data to both customers and energy suppliers. This Elexon-approved service guarantees the accuracy of energy consumption measurement through data validation hence eliminating any potential invoicing or consumption discrepancies.

Many customers with half hourly supplies are unaware that they can choose their own provider for Data Collection and Data Aggregation services, in place of using their supplier’s default agent. By choosing your own agent, you can make significant savings, as well as access to our wider analytics services, as detailed below, to help you better understand and manage your energy consumption. You’ll also have the assurance that our personalised service will provide bespoke and independent consumption reports making your reconciliation process more efficient and accurate. By choosing SSE as your half hourly Data Collector and Data Aggregation, we can support your journey to net zero carbon emissions by ensuring the secure collection of accurate consumption data from your electricity meter and complementing this with analysis and insights that enable you to take full control of your energy strategy. Business Energy Intelligence To supplement our DC/DA service, our Business Energy Intelligence online energy management platform allows you to better understand and hence optimise your energy usage. Through remote data monitoring and access to a wide range of easy-to- navigate energy insight reports, you are able to drill down into the data, leading to quick identification of ways to improve carbon efficiencies and cost- effectiveness.

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• Energy analytics and insight • Machine learning and AI • Automated monitoring and targeting platform • Energy management • Smart grid • Virtual power plants • Smart energy platforms • Energy optimisation

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Catalyse the net-zero carbon transition by using digital platforms to enable smart energy systems, buildings and places.

Reduction in technology costs and the increasing prevalence of IoT connectivity has resulted in exponential growth in smart sensors and devices. Exploitation of these can allow businesses and local authorities to improve existing processes or re- engineer them entirely, subsequently enhancing service levels and driving down costs. Our popular Mayflower smart street lighting system allows carbon reducing dimming regimes, and we have now enhanced this to provide a subsidised pan- authority communication canopy, which radically increases the potential for cost-effective innovation in smart city solutions to support our clients in the transition into a smart, low carbon environment. This is achieved by exploiting the Zigbee, LoRa and Bluetooth connectivity inherent in the underlying Mayflower Smart Lighting Network to allow the low-cost connection of additional sensors and devices. Gain real-time data for informed decisions Organisations need to continually make informed decisions and gain funding or community support for road infrastructure, traffic and pedestrian management and, increasingly, electric vehicle charging options. But finding real-time, flexible, cost-effective smart city solutions that address data protection and privacy has been challenging, until now. We’ve developed a smart city solution in partnership with Intel and AAEON Technology that is truly flexible, lightweight and easy to deploy: Mayflower Insite Sentinel optical sensor (Sentinel). A complementary Smart City App Hub provides opportunities for third party apps and hence maximises depth, breadth, and innovation.

Our smart city and smart building platforms are components of the same underlying digital platform, so this means we can provide seamless support for large areas, whether city or campus environments, right down to individual building level. Users have extensive functionality available within their drill-down dashboards, to maximise value in the information obtained from sensors and devices. A single user interface provides a comprehensive city view. A smart energy system By looking at the whole energy system it is possible to move towards developing a Net Zero Carbon city or place. This could include: • Zero carbon power, zero carbon heat and zero carbon transport • Significant capacity increase in the underlying power network and increased local power generation • Utilising smart building management systems and business energy intelligence • Low carbon heat adoption to be maximised with a combination of local heat pumps, local heat networks and district wide schemes • Heat and power storage to minimise the impact of electrified heat on electricity demand at peak times • A control scheme that manages key energy assets connected to the system in order to ensure security of supply whilst minimising investment needed in the underlying energy infrastructure • The ability to generate revenues through trading generation, storage and/or demand flexibility in all available markets

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