

Catalyse the net-zero carbon transition by using digital platforms to enable smart energy systems, buildings and places.

Reduction in technology costs and the increasing prevalence of IoT connectivity has resulted in exponential growth in smart sensors and devices. Exploitation of these can allow businesses and local authorities to improve existing processes or re- engineer them entirely, subsequently enhancing service levels and driving down costs. Our popular Mayflower smart street lighting system allows carbon reducing dimming regimes, and we have now enhanced this to provide a subsidised pan- authority communication canopy, which radically increases the potential for cost-effective innovation in smart city solutions to support our clients in the transition into a smart, low carbon environment. This is achieved by exploiting the Zigbee, LoRa and Bluetooth connectivity inherent in the underlying Mayflower Smart Lighting Network to allow the low-cost connection of additional sensors and devices. Gain real-time data for informed decisions Organisations need to continually make informed decisions and gain funding or community support for road infrastructure, traffic and pedestrian management and, increasingly, electric vehicle charging options. But finding real-time, flexible, cost-effective smart city solutions that address data protection and privacy has been challenging, until now. We’ve developed a smart city solution in partnership with Intel and AAEON Technology that is truly flexible, lightweight and easy to deploy: Mayflower Insite Sentinel optical sensor (Sentinel). A complementary Smart City App Hub provides opportunities for third party apps and hence maximises depth, breadth, and innovation.

Our smart city and smart building platforms are components of the same underlying digital platform, so this means we can provide seamless support for large areas, whether city or campus environments, right down to individual building level. Users have extensive functionality available within their drill-down dashboards, to maximise value in the information obtained from sensors and devices. A single user interface provides a comprehensive city view. A smart energy system By looking at the whole energy system it is possible to move towards developing a Net Zero Carbon city or place. This could include: • Zero carbon power, zero carbon heat and zero carbon transport • Significant capacity increase in the underlying power network and increased local power generation • Utilising smart building management systems and business energy intelligence • Low carbon heat adoption to be maximised with a combination of local heat pumps, local heat networks and district wide schemes • Heat and power storage to minimise the impact of electrified heat on electricity demand at peak times • A control scheme that manages key energy assets connected to the system in order to ensure security of supply whilst minimising investment needed in the underlying energy infrastructure • The ability to generate revenues through trading generation, storage and/or demand flexibility in all available markets

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